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How It Works
For IT Services Providers
Learn the simple steps to get started as a technical contractor
Find a project
Find a project based on your preferences.
Find the project you like that’s suited to your expertise
Work together with your client using our platform. Keep updated on your progress, with our web application.
Get Paid
Receive payment through our secure payment system, and get good ratings and references for your work
How It Works
list of Technical Services our Providers can help with.
Our online platform is easy to use. Create Your Free Account Today. No Payment Needed.
- You Set the Price You Are Willing To Pay
- Techs Apply For The Work Order
- You Select The Best Candidate Based On Qualifications and Price
- They Accept The Work Order At The Agreed Upon Price
- You Set the Date and Time for the Tech to go to your place of business
- You communicate with the Tech directly via our online app, email and/or text messaging
- Manage the work order from start to finish inside our online app
- Open An Unlimited Number of Work Orders…
- Always Free To Open An Account…
Our Marketplace has IT techs all over the country ready, willing and able to help you with your IT-related projects.

The Ultimate Lead Gen Platform
For It Providers
Landing clients for your next job requires a tremendous amount of time, energy, and money. Wouldn’t it be great if you can pick and choose from a list for your next job? USTECHLAND provides just that for IT solution providers. Providing IT solution services has never been easier. With an integrated market focused on connecting buyers and IT solution providers, you can start landing jobs right through USTECHLAND and save your business time and money. Search through an entire marketplace full of job offerings requesting a variety of IT solution services.
Guaranteed to receive requests regarding your expertise. With a large pool of customers using USTECHLAND, the demand is high for seasoned IT solution providers. There is no other setting do you get to choose your next project based on your preferences. Apply to multiple job listings and see how many you land. USTECHLAND makes it easy to communicate with your client through a user-friendly web application. Secure payments through the platform ensure you get your proper payout for completing a job.
Build up your profile with a rating system that allows customers to feel confident when accepting your application. The higher your rating is, the more likely you’ll get additional references. USERTECHLAND job marketplace does all the work for you. Start taking advantage of this next lead gen tool that will help speed up the time towards you landing your next project with a quality customer. Your whole business can change with the USERTECHLAND platform.
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